1. Dec 2013: IEEE Sensors Journal approves the proposal for Special Journal Issue on ‘Printable Sensors and Systems’. Dr. Dahiya is the guest editor.
2. Dec 2013: Paper accepted for presentation at CIMTEC 2014, Montecattini Terme, Italy.
3. Dec 2013: Dr. Dahiya to lead 2015 IEEE PRIME International Conference.
4. Nov 2013: Dr. Dahiya to give lecture at University of Trento, Italy.
5. Nov 2013: Dr. Dahiya invited by Govt. of Uzbekistan to the 6th Asian Solar Energy Forum.
6. Nov 2013: Dr. Dahiya invited to give lecture in Workshop HyperSense on ‘Bio-inspired sensing for robotics’, at Marseille, France.
7. Nov 2013: Dr. Dahiya to present paper (POSFET Tactile Sensing Chips using CMOS Technology) at IEEE Sensors Conference in Baltimore, USA.
8. Oct 2013: Special Journal Issue (Flexible Sensors and Sensing Systems) edited by Dr. Dahiya published in IEEE Sensors Journal.
9. Oct 2013: Oliver Gomes joins as new PhD student.
10. Sept 2013: Dr. Dahiya joins editorial board of IEEE Sensors Journal.
11. Aug 2013: Dr. Dahiya’s paper (Directions Towards Effective Utilization of Tactile Skin – A Review) accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal.
12. Aug 2013: Dr. Dahiya joins School of Engineering at University of Glasgow, UK.
13. July 2013: Dr. Dahiys gives Keynote Lecture at Int.
Conference on Design & Manufacturing at IITD&M, Kancheepuram, India (19 July).
14. July 2013: Dr. Dahiya gives Invited Lecture at CSIR-CEERI, Pilani, India.
15. July 2013: Dr. Dahiya’s paper (Bendable Ultra-Thin Chips on Flexible Foils) accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal.
16. June 2013: Dr Dahiya’s book review published in IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine.
17. May 2013: Dr. Dahiya’s gives Invited Lecture at Int. workshop on ‘Research Frontiers in Electronic Skin Technology:
Multifunctional Bendable and stretchable electronic skin for robots and beyond’, at IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany.
18. April 2013: Dr. Dahiya joins Electrical Engineering Division at University of Cambridge, UK as senior visiting researcher.
19. April 2013: Dr. Dahiya to give Invited Lecture at University of Genoa, Italy (19 April).
20. March 2013: Dr. Dahiya joins AdCom of IEEE Sensors Council to represent IEEE Robotics and AutomationSociety.
21. March 2013: Dr Dahiya’s book Robotic Tactile Sensing published by Springer.
22. March 2013: Saleem Khan joins as new PhD Student.
23. Jan 2013: Dr. Dahiya’s paper (POSFET Tactile Sensing Arrays using CMOS Technology) accepted for publication in Sensors and Actuators – A.