1. Nov 2014: 2 PhD projects shortlisted for Lord Kelvin Adam Smith scholarship
2. Nov 2014: Dr. Dahiya shortlisted for the 2014 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Prizes
3. Nov 2014: Int. workshop on Novel Trends in Multimodal Robotic Skins a huge success.
4. Nov 2014: Our Paper accepted in IEEE Sensors Journal.
5. Nov 2014: IEEE Sensors Conference coming to Glasgow in 2017.
6. Oct 2014: Our paper accepted in IEEE Sensors Journal.
7. Oct 2014: Dr. Dahiya invited to give IEEE lecture at Univ. of Westminster, London (10 Oct).
8. Oct 2014: Dr. Dahiya invited to speak at HATII lecture series, Univ. of Glasgow (7 Oct).
9. Oct 2014: William Taube joins the group as PhD student.
10. Oct 2014: Wenting Dang joins the group as PhD student.
11. Oct 2014: Shoubhik Gupta joins the group as PhD student.
12. Oct 2014: Nivasan Yogeswaran joins the group as PhD student.
13. Sept 2014: Dr. Dahiya invited to give lecture at SSERC (11 Sept).
14. Aug 2014: Paper accepted in IEEE Sensors Journal.
15. July 2014: Dr. Dahiya gets EPSRC First Grant Award.
16. July 2014: Dr. Dahiya invited to speak at PRIME Conference (3 July).
17. June 2014: 3 Papers accepted in IEEE Sensors 2014, Valencia, Spain.
18. June 2014: Dr. Dahiya to give lecture at ATI, University of Surrey, UK (12 June).
19. June 2014: Dr. Dahiya to give lecture at University of Edinburgh, UK (5 June).
20. May 2014: Article on Electronic Skin published in The Conversation (29 May).
21. May 2014: Paper accepted in ESSDERC Conference, Venice, Italy.
22. May 2014: Paper accepted in PRIME Conference, Grenoble, France.
23. May 2014: Dr. Dahiya awarded EPSRC Fellowship for Growth
24. April 2014: Dr. Dahiya to give lecture at King’s College London (24 April).
25. April 2014: Dr. Dahiya gives Invited Lecture at Glasgow Multiscale Modelling meetings on ‘Solar cell technology/intelligent lighting’ at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (17 April).
26. Mar 2014: Dr. Dahiya awarded Royal Society Research Grant – RG2014.
27. Feb 2014: Multiple PhD positions announced.
28. Jan 2014: Paper accepted for presentation at ASMC 2014, NY, USA.
29. Jan 2014: Dr. Dahiya to give lecture at EPFL, Switzerland (12 Feb).