1. Dec: Dr. Dahiya appointed as Distinguished Lecturer by IEEE Sensors Council.
2. Dec: Dr. Dahiya to give invited lecture at Tata Consultancy Services, Delhi, India (17 Dec).
3. Dec: 4 papers from BEST group accepted for presentation at innoLAE 2016, Cambridge, UK.
4. Dec: Dr. Dahiya to give invited lecture at National Systems Conference, Noida, India (16 Dec).
5. Dec: Dr. Dahiya to give invited lecture at ‘Science of Sci-Fi‘ seminar series, Marie Curie Alumni Association Scotland Chapter, Dundee, UK (9 Dec).
6. Dec: With 6K views in less than 10 days our papers among 99th percentile of Nat. Sc. Rep.
7. Dec: Our paper is one of the top 5 downloaded articles from ScienceDirect in the last 90 days.
8. Dec: For 5 months our paper continues to be the 2nd most popular paper of IEEE Sensor Journal.
9. Dec: Since Feb 2010 our paper continues to be among most popular paper of IEEE TRO.
10. Dec: For 5 months our paper continues to be among most popular papers of IEEE Sensor J.
11. Nov: Our research on low-cost graphene production and artificial skin attracts huge media interest.
12. Nov: Dr. Dahiya to give keynote lecture at IEEE PRIMEASIA Conference (28 Nov).
13. Nov: Dr. Dahiya talks about latest research and vision in a live interview on BBC’s morning news programme ‘Good Morning Scotland ‘ (20 Nov).
14. Nov: BEST group presents two papers @ IEEE Sensors 2015, Busan, Korea (3 Nov).
15. Nov: Live demo of our research on ‘skin based control of robots’ @ IEEE Sensors 2015 , Busan, Korea (2 Nov).
16. Oct: BEST group among 3 finalists for NMI’s ‘University Group of the Year‘ award.
17. Oct: Our paper accepted for publication in Nature Scientific Reports.
18. Oct: University of Glasgow’s team declared the winner for ‘A Question of Science‘, event held at Glasgow Science Centre. Dr. Dahiya was part of the team.
19. Oct: Dr. Dahiya joins the IEEE-IES Technical Committee on Sensors and Actuators
20. Oct: IEEE ISCAS 2016 to include our Special Session on ‘Circuits and Systems on Flexible Substrate’.
21. Oct: Our perspective article accepted for publication in Nanotechnology.
22. Oct: Dr. Dahiya forms new Students’ Club on 3D Printed Prosthetics.
23. Oct: Dr. Dahiya invited to join the University of Glasgow’s tables at 5th annual Question of Science event (22 Oct).
24. Oct: Dr. Dahiya invited to speak at Knowledge Exchange & Impact Conf. (5 Oct).
25. Oct: BEST group welcomes new members – Carlos García (Post-Doc), Fenguan Liu (PhD), Damilola Agbato (PhD), Jonathan Bowles (PhD), Finlay Maclean (M.Eng), Yongheng Gao (M.Eng), Gergely Toldi (B.Eng), Samuel Gyimah (B.Eng), Richard Fitzpatrick (B.Eng), and Alex Baguma (B.Eng).
26. Sept: 2 new projects funded through Impact Acceleration Account.
27. Sept: BEST group participates in Explorathon – European Researchers’ Night (25 Sept). Our booth attracted large number of people and research was also featured on STV.
28. Sept: Paper accepted in Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering.
29. Sept: Dr. Dahiya invited to speak at ACI 2015 at Oxford University (28 Sept).
30. Sept: Wenting from BEST group selected under China Mobility Scheme for short research stage at Southeast University, China. Congratulations!
31. Sept: IEEE United Kingdom and Ireland Section Sensors Council Chapter formed (14 Sept). Dr. Dahiya is the founding chair.
32. Sept: Dr. Dahiya and 4 members from BEST group participate in the Continuing Professional Development event for school teachers at SSERC, Dunfermline (11 Sept).
33. Sept: Paper accepted in Advanced Robotics.
34. Aug: Dr. Dahiya invited to give keynote lecture at PRIME ASIA Conference (28 Nov).
35. Aug: Dr. Dahiya to speak at Glasgow Crucible at Glasgow Science Centre.
36. Aug: Paper accepted in IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing.
37. Aug: Our electronic skin work appears on the cover page of Information Display.
38. July: IEEE Hyderabad section invites Dr. Dahiya for lecture on Conformable Electronics (24 July).
39. July: Special session on Conformable Electronics and E-Skin organised by Dr. Dahiya at IEEE Nano 2015, Rome, Italy generates good interest.
40. July: 2 papers from BEST group accepted for presentation at IEEE Sensors 2015.
41. July: Shoubhik from BEST group wins The Water Challenge, held at Glasgow University. William and Dhayalan, also from BEST group, declared the runner-ups. Congratulations to all!
42. July: Glasgow High School student (Abhishek) joins BEST group for a short research stage supported by Nuffield Foundation.
43. July: 2 members (Wenting, Emre) from BEST group get Silver Awards at IEEE PRIME.
44. July: IEEE-PRIME 2015 concludes successfully. Thanks to all involved.
45. June: Dr. Dahiya’s EPSRC Fellowship Inaugural lecture generates huge interest (29 June).
46. June: Dr. Dahiya promoted to the post of Reader.
47. June: 4 members (Dominic Stenton, David Ellen, Brian Magennis, Graham Aikmen) join the BEST group.
48. June: Special Journal Issue Printable Sensors and Systems edited by Dr. Dahiya published in IEEE Sensors Journal.
49. May: Chancellor’s fund project on 3D Printed Prosthetics gets funded.
50. May: 7 papers from BEST group accepted for oral presentation at IEEE-PRIME 2015.
51. May: Paper accepted for oral presentation at IEEE-Nano 2015.
52. May: Dr. Dahiya to speak at IEEE TenSymp 2015, (15 May).
53. May: Dr Dahiya’s research published in spring 2015 edition of Horizon Magazine.
54. Apr: Our research appears on the cover page of Horizon Magazine.
55. Apr: Our project on Touch Interfaces (ToI) received funding from EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account. Project opens
avenues for working with schools.
56. Apr: Paper accepted in Microelectronic Engineering.
57. Mar: Dr. Dahiya featured as EU-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellow of the Week.
58. Mar: Short blurb about Dr. Dahiya’s research published on the World Changers Welcome page of the School of Engineering at University ofGlasgow.
59. Feb: Dr. Dahiya invited to speak at Newcastle University, UK (19 Feb).
60. Feb: Emre Ozan Polat joins the group as Post-Doc (Marie Curie Fellow).
61. Feb: Hadi Heidari joins the group as Post-Doc.
62. Feb: 2 PhD projects awarded Lord Kelvin Adam Smith scholarship.
63. Feb: Dr. Dahiya invited to speak at AISEM Conference, Trento, Italy (5 Feb).
64. Feb: Dr. Dahiya to speak at Innovations in Large-Area Electronics Conference (innoLAE) 2015 , University of Cambridge, UK (3 Feb).
65. Jan: Dinesh Bhatia joins the group as Academic visitor (ICMR Fellow).
66. Jan: Dhayalan Sakthivel joins the group as Post-Doc.