1. Dec: BEST group welcomes Dr. Mahesh Soni, who has joined the group as post-doc.

2. Dec: Prof. Dahiya gives IEEE DL talk at GSSS Inst of Egg. and Tech. for Women, Mysore, India (19 Dec).

3. Dec: Prof. Dahiya gives invited talk at IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Electronics, Bangalore, India (18 Dec).

4. Dec: Prof. Dahiya gives IEEE DL talk at CSIR-CEERI, Pilani, India (17 Dec).

5. Dec: Prof. Dahiya appointed as IEEE Sensor Council Distinguished Lecturer (DL) (https://ieee-sensors.org/dlp/) for another

three year term.

6. Dec: Prof. Dahiya gives IEEE DL talk at IIT Delhi, India (14 Dec).

7. Dec: BEST group‘s flexible supercapacitor work wins Elektra Award 2018 in the University Research Award Category.

8. Dec: Prof. Dahiya to share his views about e-skin and robotics in the Public Lecture at Perth, UK (7 Dec).

9. Dec: Our ICURe (Innovation to Commercialisation) project gets funding from InnovateUK.

10. Dec: BEST group‘s entry to Converge challenge shortlisted for 2019 Kick-Start Challenge.

11. Nov: BEST group receives Newton-Bhabha funding from British Council to host a researcher from IIT Roorkee, India.

12. Nov: Congratulations to Shoubhik and Wenting for successfully defending their PhD thesis (with minor corrections).

13. Nov: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in NPJ Flexible Electronics.

14. Nov: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Animal.

15. Nov: Prof. Dahiya gives invited talk at SmartSkin workshop, Munich, Germany (20 Nov).

16. Nov: Prof. Dahiya gives IEEE DL talk at IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India (8 Nov).

17. Nov: 2 papers from BEST group accepted for presentation at InnoLAE 2019, Cambridge, UK.

18. Oct: Paper from BEST group gets 3rd best paper award at IEEE Sensors Conf. 2018. Congratulations Anastasios.

19. Oct: BEST group welcomes new PhD student Ayoub Zumeit.

20. Oct: Our FET OPEN project focussing on neuroscience based e-skin gets funding from European Commission.

21. Oct: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal.

22. Oct: BEST group member wins IET travel award. Congratulations William.

23. Oct: 2 papers from BEST group shortlisted for Best Student Award in IEEE Sensors 2018. Best of luck Wenting & Anastasios.

24. Oct: Prof. Dahiya gives invited talk at IEEE/RSJ Int. Workshop, during IEEE IROS conference, Madrid, Spain (1 Oct).

25. Sept: BEST group receives funding from The Royal Society to host a Newton Fellow.

26. Sept: Prof. Dahiya’s Thinking Digital talk now available on Youtube.

27. Sept: Prof. Dahiya gives invited talk at RSE/NSFC workshop (https://www.rse.org.uk/event/scotland-china-researchworkshop-robotics-and-artificial-intelligence/), Edinburgh, UK (12 Sept).

28. Sept: Prof. Dahiya gives IEEE DL talk at University of Tokyo (http://ro-man2018.org/special-guests-and-keynote-speakers/), Tokyo, Japan (3 Sept).

29. Aug: Prof. Dahiya gives a talk at AIST-CNRS Joint Robotics Lab, Tsukuba, Japan (30 Aug).

30. Aug: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Advanced Materials Technologies (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/2365709X).

31. Aug: Multiple papers (https://rsdahiya.com/publications/conferences/) from BEST group accepted for presentation in IEEE Sensors 2018 (http://ieee-sensors2018.org) conference, N. Delhi, India.

32. Aug: Our proposal for Special Issue on e-Skin: From Humanoids to Humans (http://proceedingsoftheieee.ieee.org/upcomingissues/e-skin/) accepted by the Proceedings of the IEEE.

33. Aug: Prof. Dahiya gives plenary talk in IEEE ROMAN 2018 (http://ro-man2018.org/special-guests-and-keynote-speakers/), Nanjing, China (29 Aug).

34. Aug: BEST groups e-skin research in Spanish, featured on Mexican TV FOROtv (https://noticieros.televisa.com/videos/piel-electronica/).

35. July: BEST group hosts Prof. Takao Someya (http://www.ntech.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/profile/), University of Tokyo, Japan.

36. July: Our monograph ‘Integration Techniques for Micro/Nanostructures Based Large-area Electronics’ accepted for publication as part of Cambridge Univ. Press’s element series on Flexible and Large Area Electronics (http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/elements/flexible-and-large-area-electronics).

37. July: BEST group announces 4 new Post-Doc (https://rsdahiya.com/phd-students/new-openings/) positions starting as soon as possible.

38. July: Prof. Dahiya’s EPSRC fellowship extension widely covered in print media (https://rsdahiya.com/media/media-2/).

39. July: BEST group hosts US Congress Officials.

40. June: The Royal Academy of Engineering (https://www.raeng.org.uk/policy/international-policy-and-development/gcrfinternational-development/frontiers-of-engineering-for-development/current-and-recent-awards) announces seed funding for BEST group‘s project on circular economy.

41. June: Paper (https://rsdahiya.com/publications/journals/) from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=7361).

42. June: Prof. Dahiya giving invited talk at Innovative Chemical Sensing (http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/31365/sensors-2018-innovative-chemical-sensing), The Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK. (27 June)

43. June: Paper (https://rsdahiya.com/publications/journals/) from BEST group accepted for publication in Nano Energy (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2018.06.072).

44. June: Paper (https://rsdahiya.com/publications/journals/) from BEST group accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters (https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5030545).

45. June: Prof. Dahiya giving IEEE DL talk at IEEE France Sensors Chapter Workshop (http://enquetes.univlorraine.fr/upload/surveys/973263/files/Flyer_3p_IEEE_France_2018.pdf), Nancy, France. (18 June)

46. June: Paper from BEST group accepted for presentation in IEEE RO-MAN (http://ro-man2018.org) 2018, Nanjing, China.

47. June: BEST group among top-5 3D printing specialists (https://www.insider.co.uk/special-reports/3d-printing-scotland-specialists-f1-12662281) in Scotland leading the global market.

48. May: Prof. Dahiya gets 3 year extension for EPSRC Fellowship (http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/R029644/1).

49. May: Exciting time for BEST group with funding confirmed for 2 EU projects.

50. May: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Microsystems & Nanoengineering (https://www.nature.com/micronano/).

51. May: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8367797).

52. May: Prof. Dahiya presenting latest research from BEST group at IEEE ICRA (https://sites.google.com/view/icra18activetouch) workshop, Brisbane, Australia (25 May).

53. May: Prof. Dahiya presenting latest research from BEST group at Queensland Univ. of Tech. (https://www.qut.edu.au/institute-for-future-environments/about/events/events?news-id=130526), Brisbane,Australia (24 May).

54. May: Prof. Dahiya presenting latest research from BEST group at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (23 May).

55. May: Prof. Dahiya presenting latest research from BEST group at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia (22 May).

56. May: Prof. Dahiya presenting latest research from BEST group at Monash University (https://www.monash.edu/engineering/about-us/news-events/events/events/events/2018/ecse-seminar-byprofessor-ravinder-dahiya,-university-of-glasgow), Melbourne, Australia (21 May).

57. May: Prof. Dahiya speaking at Thinking Digital (https://thinkingdigital.co.uk/speakers/), Gateshead, UK (17 May).

58. Apr: UKRI (https://www.ukri.org) includes BEST group‘s e-skinresearch in the government campaign ‘Year of Engineering (https://www.ukri.org/research/cross-organisationalthemesandprogrammes/yearofengineering/utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=SocialSignIn)‘ to celebrate the world of engineering and its impact.

59. Apr: Another BEST group member selected as lecturer. Best wishes to Carlos for new job at University of West of Scotland.

60. Apr: BEST group’s research prominently featured in the recently launched Scotland is Now (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=787ezxczECo) campaign.

61. Apr: Our ~£7M (FEC) Programme Grant ‘Heteroprint (https://www.gla.ac.uk/news/headline_578516_en.html)‘ gets funding from EPSRC.

62. Mar: Our ICURe (http://www.setsquared.co.uk/research-commercialisation/applications-cohort-13-open) Innovation to Commercialization project gets funding from BEIS and InnovateUK.

63. Mar: BEST group launches YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOOdG132wFmWSTPPBUARAvA?view_as=subscriber).

64. Feb: e-skin research from BEST group discussed in BBC Radio’s Brainwaves: An Adventure in Skin (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09s8cq3).

65. Feb: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925400518303708).

66. Feb: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Biosensors & Bioelectronics (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0956566318301131).

67. Jan: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Organic Electronics (https://ac.els-cdn.com/S1566119918300417/1-s2.0-S1566119918300417-main.pdf?_tid=ce175708-1174-11e8-abc3-00000aab0f6c&acdnat=1518605581_4e1ed3bf89899e9632d295f57db553ff).

68. Jan: BEST group continues to attract Marie Curie Fellows (https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/about/individual-fellowships_en). This year two more fellows will join the BEST group.

69. Jan: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Advanced Electronic Materials (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2199-160X).

70. Jan TV coverage of BEST group’s e-Skin research for prosthetics on ‘Forces 360 (http://videos.forces.tv/detail/videos/must-watch/video/5712695350001/forces-360—series-2:-episode-2?autoStart=true)‘ – from 5:30 min (21 Jan, 2018).

71. Jan: Prof. Dahiya presenting latest research from BEST group at InnoLAE 2018 (http://www-large-area-electronics.eng.cam.ac.uk/innoLAE2018), Cambridge, UK (23 Jan).

72. Jan: Fatemeh Nikbakhtnasrabadi joins BEST group as PhD students.

73. Jan: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsami.7b15178).