1. Dec: Fengyuan joins BEST group visiting Marie Curie Fellow. Welcome to the group.
2. Nov: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
3. Nov: Dhayalan Shakthivel joins BEST group as Postdoc. Welcome to the group.
4. Oct: The new book ‘Solid-State Sensors’ from BEST group is now available online.
5. Oct: Prof. Dahiya elected to be next IEEE Division X Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect.
6. Oct: Adamos Christou joins BEST group as Postdoc. Welcome to the group.
7. Oct: Abhishek Dahiya joins BEST group as Postdoc. Welcome to the group.
8. Sept: Paper from BEST group receives the 2023 IEEE Internet of Things Journal Best Paper Award.
9. Sept: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Advanced Intelligent Systems.
10. Aug: Prof. Dahiya to take over as the Editor-in-Chief of NPJ Flexible Electronics.
11. July: BEST group secures funding for its first NSF project.
12. July: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Advanced Intelligent Systems.
13. June: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Advanced Intelligent Systems
14. May: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Additive Manufacturing
15. May: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Letters
16. May: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Letters
17. May: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Letters
18. May: Paper from BEST group (https://rsdahiya.com/research/) accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics
19. Apr: Multiple Post-doc openings announced for new BEST group lab in
Northeastern University’s Boston Campus.
20. Apr: 4 papers from BEST group accepted for presentation during IEEE FLEPS 2023, Boston, USA
21. Apr: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Letters
22. Apr: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Letters
23. Mar: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics
24. Mar: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal
25. Mar: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Journal of Physics-Energy
26. Mar: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Nano Energy.
27. Feb: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Advanced Materials
28. Feb: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics
29. Feb: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship proposal from BEST group gets funded.
30. Feb: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics
31. Jan: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
32. Jan: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in Additive Manufacturing
33. Jan: Paper from BEST group accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Letters
34. Jan: BEST group starts new journey at Northeastern University , Boston MA, USA