ZnO nanowires (NWs) based memristors on a polyimide substrate are fabricated by developing a resource-efficient route comprising solution processing and printing technologies. High-resolution ‘drop-on-demand’ and ‘direct ink write’ printers are employed to deposit metallic layers (silver and gold) and a ZnO seed layer, needed for the site-selective growth of ZnO NWs via a low-cost hydrothermal method. The printed memristors show high bipolar resistance switching (ON/OFF ratio >103) between two non-volatile states and consistent switching at ultralow voltages (all devices showed switching at amplitudes < 200mV), with the best performing device showing consistent cycled resistance switching over 4 orders of magnitude with SET and RESET voltages of about 71 mV and −57 mV, respectively. Thus, the presented devices offer reliable high resistance switching at the lowest reported voltage for printed memristors and prove to be competitive with many conventional nanofabrication-based devices.
Congratulations Luca De Pamphilis et al!