The development of printable, miniaturized photovoltaic cells can offer an eco-friendly solution for ambient light energy harvesting. The article presents nanoscale photoactive electronic layers that are developed using direct roll transfer printing and processed further to develop ~315 μm² sized miniaturized photovoltaic microcells. These developed microcells perform in both energy harvesting and wideband photodetection. As self-powered photo sensors, they exhibit distinctive photo responses under various light conditions, with a peak responsivity of 2.48 A/W to UV light and rapid response times (rise time τRise = 205 μs and fall time τFall = 200 μs). This work highlights the potential of these printed multifunctional microcells in applications such as self-powered wearable devices and flexible electronics for health monitoring and indoor robotics.

Congratulations Ayoub Zumeit et al!

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